

Welcome to my blog. I love to document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Cayton Children's Museum

Cayton Children's Museum


It is time to Play! Cayton Children’s Museum is amazing, the kids had so much fun today.  I highly recommend you bring the kids and let them play. It’s so nice to have a fun unique place we can take our kids and just let them explore and play. I enjoyed watching La Shauna walk around and play at all the different areas in the museum, I allowed her to lead the way. When you first walk in there is a check in desk and a place to park your stroller, to the right of that is the entrance to the play area. There are so many incredible exhibits within Cayton Children’s Museum you must visit.



Cayton reopens to the public on August 4, 2021. Admission for Los Angeles County residents is now pay as you wish. This change makes the museum more assessable to a board array of families who will enjoy discovery-based exhibits. The museum has timed entry so you must register in advance, click here. The museum is located in Santa Monica, steps away from the Metro. If driving, I recommend parking in lot seven, once in the parking lot on the fourth floor there is a walking bridge that will take you next to the entrance of the museum. For more information on the museum click here. There is a snack area with vending machines and a sitting area, on your way out you will pass the gift shop. Like my family I’m sure you will return again and again.

Mini Blogger Conference

Mini Blogger Conference

Shiseido Blue West Coast Beach Cleanup

Shiseido Blue West Coast Beach Cleanup