

Welcome to my blog. I love to document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Shiseido Blue West Coast Beach Cleanup

Shiseido Blue West Coast Beach Cleanup

Today, I attended Shiseido Blue Project’s first West Coast beach cleanup at Zuma Beach in the Point Dume State Marine Conservation Area. Celebrities Katharine Hope McPhee Foster, Adrian Grenier and Amanda Stanton along with World Surf League’s (WSL) nonprofit WSL PURE We Are One Ocean grantee WILDCOAST who are committed to educate and empower ocean protection joined Shiseido Blue Project. I love participating in beach clean ups. The weather was perfect, not to cold or warm. Upon arrival participants learned more about #weareoneocean campaign. Please click to sign and share the #weareoneocean petition.

Conservation is extremely important. Conserving the ocean requires marine protected areas, managing fisheries, and cleaning up what goes into the sea. Beach cleanups reduce litter and protect critical habitats for wildlife. They help raise awareness about other issues in our oceans and galvanize communities to care.

Photo Credit: Jennifer Johnson

Photo Credit: Jennifer Johnson

I love using and supporting brands that care about our environment and skin. Shiseido provided sunscreen to keep our skin protected from the sun. I used their Ultimate Sun Protector Lotion. I highly recommend this product, it can be used on your face and body, turns invisible and is water resistant. Sunscreen is a major part of any skincare routine and a shield against some sun damage.

Cayton Children's Museum

Cayton Children's Museum

The Art of the Brick

The Art of the Brick